We're Right HereWith You.
We're Right HereWith You.

Whether you find yourself in a dispute with a neighbor over a backyard fence, a business supplier over an unpaid invoice, or an employer who doesn’t want to pay you for work you’ve performed, you may not know what to do. That’s where we come in. Whether it’s advice and counsel on a simple legal question in your life or whether you are knee-deep in a legal dispute and don’t know what to do next, give Morgan Hill, P.C. a call. We can help you sort out the questions and give you options.
If you’re already in or should be in a legal proceeding, we’ll be right there with you through the initial filing, service of process, the discovery process, and on through trial. Our staff and attorneys have years of experience helping our clients wade through the morass that is our legal system. Remember - justice is a process, not an outcome. To receive justice, you must use the process to your full benefit. We have ongoing clients who have been coming to us for years and call us every time they have a legal question in their life that they can’t see their way through on their own. Or sometimes, they just pop in and have a cup of coffee.
Tips: Discovery